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Website Refresh
Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 08/04/2015 - 10:51

After months and months of late nights, pots of tea and Marietta biscuits... our major website revamp is here.
Here is just some of the new website updates and features:
- Mobile Friendly
- Exclusive Member Content (register for free)
- Callcard Database content rewritten and researched
- Featured Callcard
- Extra images including Callcard Sleeves, proofs, wallets etc.
- Related Callcards at the bottom of each Callcard in the database
- New Blog Articles
- Comments box changed from Facebook comments to our own comments (free registration)
- Numerous bug fixes
- Improved Navigation
As the site is new, there may be one or two glitches but we decided to launch the site regardless. We'd love to hear what you think of the new website and any suggestions or bugs you might have come across?